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Ionized oxygen:
The new trend in competitive sports

Athletes - more mitochondria, more ATP (adenosine triphosphate)


Top performance, lasting physical benefits through regular breathing of ionized oxygen at the ATP-Ionic-Stim


The development of powerful muscles and the increase of physical and mental performance, reaction speed, creativity, most effective regeneration without harmful prohibited measures, is only possible if all natural work potentials are recognized, activated and used correctly.

The beginning of all life is physics, quantum mechanics. Electromagnetic attraction*.

Have you ever wondered why the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies and those of all mammals and plants are alive and the molecules of material objects are not? Why we breathe even when we are unconscious? Why we become tired and unfocused after physical and mental exertion? Why we become so tired and weak in poorly ventilated rooms? The beginning of life in general, of health, physical and mental performance is when our energy molecule adenosine triphosphate ATP is formed from ionized and molecular oxygen together with glucose in the mitochondria. Only then can the cell live and carry out its intended function. Our body therefore consists of around 80 trillion individual living organisms, which must first form ATP in order to live, then they can function and communicate with each other and work together. This is how evolution, nature, invented us.

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The Sport


Due to many factors, the so-called stressors such as overload due to exceeding physical and mental limits, stress, mental stress, acidic CO2 oxygen gas, increased cell metabolism end products, air pollution, environmental pollution, drinking water pollution, the optimal utilization of oxygen and the required nutrients is disturbed by the formation of increased free radicals (molecules with a lack of electrons) in the body. At the beginning of the game, the player's body cells, brain and muscle cells, are optimally supplied with ATP molecules. As the game progresses, the ATP stores in the brain and muscle cells become depleted and lactate (salt of lactic acid) builds up in the muscle cells. The player becomes less concentrated, less responsive and slower. With increasing lactate in the muscle cells, cramps increase and the risk of sports injuries rises. Soccer matches and team sports games are often decided by the overall fitness of the entire team, often in the second half.

The aim of a high-performance athlete is to replenish their ATP stores as quickly as possible and to have more ATP available for as long as possible during physical and mental exertion. Regular breathing of ionized oxygen on the ATP-Ionic-Stim device not only leads to increased performance and faster regeneration, but also to more mitochondria in the cells in the long term. More mitochondria will produce more ATP.

Now physics and quantum mechanics come into play!


Negatively charged ionized oxygen, with 9 electrons, opens the cell membrane (temporarily electrically positively charged on the outside) and takes electrically neutral, molecularly pure oxygen with 8 electrons into the mitochondria for ATP formation. Ionized oxygen acts here more as a biocatalyst by allowing the molecularly pure oxygen to enter the mitochondria. Today, trainers and sports physicians attach great importance to regeneration.


Schaubild zum Zellstoffwechsel, Sauerstoffaustausch der Zelle

Insufficient or too slow regeneration between and after sporting activities hinders or impairs the desired success and increases the risk of injury. Delayed healing processes prevent sporting activities. Moreover, incomplete healing processes often lead to negative health effects or even permanent damage. Energy deficits in the body cells result in rapid fatigue, performance deficits and even inflammation in the muscles. A first parameter is when elevated levels of creatine kinase are present in the blood. What is creatine kinase? Creatine kinase is an enzyme that is important for the energy metabolism of muscle cells. If muscle cells are damaged or overloaded (cardiac overload), creatine kinase levels in the blood increase.

When is the CK elevated?

  • Heavy physical exertion

  • Operations

  • injuries

  • Delayed healing processes

  • Parkinson's disease / MS and other chronic muscle diseases

What does ionized oxygen O₂²- do?

Ionized oxygen is not only an energy source, ATP producer number 1 for our body, but also an important component in preventive medicine by neutralizing ROS. (Reactive Oxygen Species = oxygen radicals)


Cellular respiration, also known as internal respiration, describes the metabolic processes that serve to generate energy in cells. Cells take up glucose for energy supply, which is completely broken down into carbon dioxide and water in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of eukaryotes (humans and animals). In a series of different reaction steps, hydrogen atoms are separated from the degradation products of the glucose molecules and transported to the mitochondria with the help of hydrogen carriers (NADH), where they react with oxygen to form water within the respiratory chain (“biological oxyhydrogen reaction”). At the end of cellular respiration, the cell uses the energy released during the oxyhydrogen reaction (“combustion”) to produce the energy-rich compound ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is required for many metabolic processes as a universal source of energy (cell energy = life energy). CO2, H+ and acids are produced as end products of cell metabolism and must be removed from our body.

Cellular respiration is divided into three sub-steps

  • glycolysis

  • the citrate cycle  

  • and the end oxidation in the respiratory chain


Gaining energy through cellular respiration is essential for our survival! Without food we could survive for many weeks, without water only a few days, without oxygen a few minutes, but without ATP only a few seconds. A muscle cell converts its entire ATP supply in one minute. This means that 10 million ATP molecules are consumed and regenerated every second per cell. A person thus converts approximately their own body weight in ATP every day (e.g. 70 kg ATP = 8000 kJ/day). In competitive sports, this can even be up to 200 kg ATP for a short time. Without this ability, physical energy performances such as running the 100m in 9.58 seconds would be unthinkable.


Ionized oxygen O₂²-

  • Enables optimum access of oxygen to the mitochondria.

  • The use of ionized oxygen leads to a significantly faster reduction of CK levels in the blood.

  • Energy deficits (ATP deficiency) in the body cells result in faster fatigue, performance deficits and ultimately illness.

  • Supports the oxygen supply in the muscles and the heart (increased performance due to rapid mitochondrial regeneration and high ATP production in the heart).

  • Shortens warm-up phases before and after training.

  • Increases cell regeneration and supports the removal of metabolic waste products from all cells and muscle tissue.

  • Shortens the healing process after injuries.

  • Reduces pain from muscle injuries, joint injuries and tension.

  • Improves microcirculation in the capillaries and blood viscosity.

  • Supports athletes' sleep after increased performance. The increased surplus of electrons in the cells during deep sleep phases improves cell regeneration and cell renewal (release of electrons to free radicals)


Sleep is the regenerative phase in the daily life cycle of humans and mammals.

What are the goals of athletes today? The goals and wishes are individual. The goal of every sportsperson, whether hobby athlete, amateur or top athlete, ranges from athletic and mental performance to the development of powerful muscles to new peak performances and victories in sporting competitions. Fast, optimal and sustainable regeneration between and after sporting competitions is often neglected. This often has serious consequences for maintaining physical and mental health in order to have a healthy, long life after an active sports career. See the video of the Japanese hospital.

Ionized oxygen a doping agent?

Ionisierter Sauerstoff
 kann ganz klar zur Steigerung der sportlichen und geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit beitragen. Auch schützt er die Zellen als freie Radikale Neutralisator und regt die Zellen an, mehr Mitochondrien zu bilden. Ionisierter Sauerstoff steht aber nicht auf der Dopingliste. O22- ist der natürlichste Sauerstoff. Er entsteht bei der Photosynthese aller Grünpflanzen und Bäume, im Wald, am Wasserfall und der Meeresbrandung, beim Gewitterblitz und bei der UV und kosmischen Strahlung. Es ist das wichtigste und ein natürliches Element auf der Erde und die Lebensgrundlage aller Säugetiere. ​Was man nicht vergessen darf, wenn es heute immer wieder um die Diskussion Doping geht. Die Dopingverordnung wurde zum Schutz des Sportlers entwickelt. Auf der Dopingliste stehen deshalb nur Substanzen, die bei der Einnahme zu erhöhten gesundheitlichen Schäden des Körpers unter sportlicher Belastung führen können. Vorzugsweise fast alle Arzneimittel. Ionisierter Sauerstoff ist frei von Nebenwirkungen. Deshalb stehen auch keine Vitamine und Aminosäuren auf der Dopingliste. Die Dopingliste wurde ursprünglich von Sportmedizinern und Wissenschaftler, zum Schutz des Sportlers entwickelt, was heute durch die Mediendiskussionen komplett in Vergessenheit geraten ist.

Carbon dioxide
CO₂, curse and blessing.


When ATP is formed in the mitochondria, one of the end products of cell metabolism is CO₂, which is toxic to us humans in certain quantities. Hold a CO₂ measuring device to your mouth and breathe into it. It rises to over 13,000 ppm CO₂ within a few seconds. It must be exhaled from our bodies with every breath, otherwise we will have a fatal problem after 3 minutes. The higher the CO₂ content in the ambient air, the fewer oxygen atoms we bring to our red blood cells. This is related to the binding capacity of the carbamino-hemoglobin portion of the red blood cell, the osmotic partial pressure ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide and the bicarbonate portions in the blood plasma. This means that the higher the CO₂ content in the air, the less ionized oxygen and molecularly pure oxygen enters your cells in advance.

Image by Chris LeBoutillier

You remember this every day. In a closed room, when the CO₂ content rises above 750 ppm, you start to feel tired and unable to concentrate. The higher the CO₂ content rises indoors, the more tired you become, then unconscious, dead. The biggest problem facing humanity today. The rising CO₂ content not only causes global warming, but even worse, it robs us of our basis of life, the oxygen supply to all body cells. The problem! We can't open a window on this earth! You can also google “Lake Nyos, Cameroon, 1986”. 1700 people, 2000 animals dead. Or agriculture silo. One example is closed rooms, classrooms or open-plan offices. All people who are in closed, unventilated rooms lose concentration after a short time, become tired and when the CO₂ content rises to over 10000 ppm, they are unconscious and dead for a longer period of time. People breathe in the ionized and molecularly pure oxygen atoms for ATP formation in cell metabolism and breathe out 90 percent of these oxygen atoms in the form of CO₂. The ratio of oxygen to CO₂ changes with every breath to a higher CO₂ content in the room. Fatal consequences if fresh ionized and molecularly pure oxygen is not supplied after a certain time. Space travel and the MIR space station are only possible with ionized oxygen. You cannot open a window in space for a fresh supply of ionized air.


Our natural immune system, our clean ionized air and the forest were polluted with an average CO₂ content of no more than 280 ppm in the last 2.8 million years before the age of industrialization. We humans have evolved during this time and have become genetically accustomed to it. We have managed to dramatically increase the CO₂ content far too quickly in a fraction of a millisecond of the Earth's history by burning more oil, coal and gas. In 1800 at 280 ppm, in 1960 with 3 billion people on earth at 316 ppm and in my 60 years of life in 2022 at 422 ppm CO₂ with 8 billion people. Oil, coal and gas belong in the ground. That's why nature has hidden it in there for 700 million years. How are we humans, animals and plants, and above all our body cells, supposed to cope with this in such a short time? Please think about this when you are all alone and don't have to prove anything to anyone.


Note: Stefan Luiz surprisingly won the Ski World Cup in Beaver Creeks. He inhaled oxygen on the race course between the first and second run. He was initially stripped of his victory as the FIS has a special rule that oxygen may not be inhaled on the race course. It is permitted during training. The World Anti Doping Agency WADA allows the inhalation of oxygen worldwide!!!

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